Ashtanga Yoga Programme with Emma Vasquez

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Ashtanga Yoga is a dynamic form of hatha yoga; the roots originate from the town of Mysore in the south of India.This method is an ancient system of yoga that was taught by Vamana Rishi in the Yoga Korunta. This text was imparted to Sri T. Krishnamacharya in the early 1900’s by Guru Rama Mohan Brahmachari.

We are proud to host cumbria and the surrounding areas only traditional ashtanga yoga classes and pride ourselves on the inclusiveness our programme brings to all students.

Only a handful of teachers who’ve studied this method for decades and have received authorisation teach this incredible style of yoga. You are in the hands of experienced, knowledgable, compassionate and uplifting teachers who teach you as individuals whilst remaining the tradition of this practice. 

Emma has been practising and studying Ashtanga Yoga since 2012, she is taught by Manju Jois and received authorisation from him to be able to teach this incredible method. She is the only authorised teacher in Cumbria and set up the programme in 2016. 

She is joined by Kirsty Lowry in teaching Ashtanga at the yoga studio.

The traditional way of practice is called ‘Mysore style’.

Ashtanga yoga is a system composed of series of different asanas (physical postures). They are synchronised with three very important points of focus we call the ‘tristhana’. This is composed of the bandha’s (energetic locks), breath (Ujjiyi) and dristi (eye focus).

In a Mysore style practice the postures are introduced little by little depending on the capacity of the student. By practicing regularly, the student builds up strength, stability and flexibility progressively and safely. Mysore practice is perfect for beginners as the student recieves 1:1 attention, guidance and verbal/hands on adjustments. As well as having the practice broken down and explained to you, you’ll be given a whole different world of yoga as we maintain the deep rich tradition of Ashtanga Yoga.


 The ashtanga method is incredible when taught in an open and accessible way yet still maintaining the tradition. We hope our gold and platinum members come and try the beginners class and that, if you’ve been thinking about trying ashtanga yoga- that this will be a great gateway into it.

Our Mysore room is a celebration of students of all ages, from all backgrounds, with different practices, different body shapes, sizes, different energies- but together we unite to practice yoga.

As the Mysore director I do not stand for any guru and do promote this to my students, I talk about the lineage of Ashtanga Yoga from Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. You will not hear me repeat any Pattabhi Jois ‘quotes’ or push off your practice by telling you to just keep practising. I will offer you ways to deepen your practice physically that is personal to your own body and limitations. There are also no Guru pictures in my shala, YOU are your own guru- your teachers are simply your guides.

Find Out More

If you have any questions about our Ashtanga Yoga Programme, please do get in touch. You can attend all Ashtanga classes on our membership, on the 30 day pass or as a drop in. 

You can fill out the form below, give us a ring on 07850 668402, or e-mail us on

    The Yoga Studio
    Kinmont Barn
    Treasury Court
    CA3 8RF